Inspire people

Community together for social meetups

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Educational courses for betterment of the public.

we have a keen interest in educational rights, and provide educational courses to advance the betterment of the public.

Each one of us can make small changes in our lives

we aim to promote social inclusion after many members of our community have become socially excluded and house-bound.

We create solutions to address climate change

The urgency of the climate crisis is a challenge, but it is a challenge we have the potential to overcome. Exploring sustainable solutions is crucial in this pursuit.

Better We is a community interest charity built for the public

We hope to improve the mental health of our community by promoting social inclusion, bringing health awareness, and engaging in physical activities. We also aim to empower them through improving and giving them access to educational courses.
Our mission

Better We

We are a charity organisation specialising in helping people become a better version of themselves.
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Our current focus

The causes we support over the years, we've been contributing
toward a range of worthy charities and causes.

Where your donation
money go

We aim to improve the quality of life of the members within our community through provision of facilities for recreation and bringing the community together for social meetups.

Human services








Our next activities

We partner with governments and the public and private sectors
and foster greater public awareness of urgent global issues.

Economic security, access to information, and job opportunities

Health products, awareness and easy access to services

Farmer resources, training, or funds to increase productivity

Raise funds, volunteer and campaign for change

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Climate is changing, why aren’t we!!!!! Today’s climate change session at Better We.

Better we Climate change project

Better we climate change session how to know people.

We work to change world to improve lives

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Computer class

Digital Courses

Science club

Raise funds, volunteer and campaign for change

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Domestic Violence awareness in Bangla

Online Session

How to protect yourselves.

We work to increase Women Security

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Contributors and sponsors

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