Better We aims & objectives

Better We is a community interest charity built for the public benefit within the community without any discrimination based on any ground such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion, or political views.
We aim to improve the quality of life of the members within our community through provision of facilities for recreation and bringing the community together for social meetups. In particular, after the Covid-19 pandemic, we aim to promote social inclusion after many members of our community have become socially excluded and house-bound. Through this we aim to improve the social and physical welfare of our residents. Additionally, we have a keen interest in educational rights, and provide educational courses to advance the betterment of the public and assist them in their applications for jobs.

Better We

We aim to improve the quality of life of the members within our community through provision of facilities for recreation and bringing the community together for social meetups.
Climate change & it’s impact
''Science is real. We should keep exploring''

We want our community to be well and healthy and be able to reach their goals and dreams without any discrimination and with easy accessibility to our services.