What’s happening at Better We CIC on every Saturday?

We run our Supplementary School on Saturday from 11 am to 1 pm, led by our five experienced and dedicated teachers, with 29 registered students. We teach our children Bangla language & culture.

Our aim is to teach the mother language and culture to children whose mother tongue is Bangla. We strive to introduce arts, culture, fashion, foods, and games to help preserve Bangladeshi heritage in UK.

Following that, from 1 pm to 3 pm, we run the Youth Club exclusively for girls. The club is staffed by two support workers and three volunteers, engaging an average of 25 participants. Better We Youth Club is renowned as one of the busiest and most popular youth clubs in the M13 and M14 areas. We consistently have a significant number of girls on the waiting list. All our support workers undergo DBS checks.

@followersTahera KhanamManchester City Council#Youthclub#banglaschool

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